Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fight the Good Fight

I'm sitting in the Orlando Airport reflecting over the past few weeks. As I type this, I'm riding an emotional rollercoaster. I realize that I'm physically very tired, which is probably adding to the waves of heavy sadness that keep crashing over me. I'm fighting off the attacks through forcing myself to remember the exciting ministry God has waiting for us in Costa Rica. The pain diminishes as I'm motivated by God's calling, my strength and joy return, but I fear this is only temporary as I can feel waves building on the horizon.

Our trip to the Untied States was a whirlwind of preaching, meetings, visits, and events. God allowed our time to be very fruitful for His Kingdom. During our stay, Cross Creek Church committed to fund the Children's Feeding Center Ministry for another year. God allowed us to find sponsors for almost all of the children currently in the Child Sponsorship Ministry. We officially announced and celebrated the ministry expansion to Guatemala, and as if that wasn't enough...Celebration Church has committed to start a church plant in Alajuelita! What a great God we serve!

While it's extremely exciting to be used by God in this capacity, it can also be very challenging. The pressure and responsibility of leading can be very burdensome. Part of me would like to stay in Jacksonville, and never have to leave again. However, I know that is the desire of my flesh and not my heart.

This is an ongoing battle between my flesh and my heart. My flesh longs and seeks physical comfort. My flesh believes that my personal pursuit for happiness is the most important thing. I can hear the lie, "it's all about me, I deserve it!" My flesh would rather be first, and it desires the praise of men. My flesh believes the lies of the world that claim that joy is found in physical wealth and beauty. However, in direct contrast my heart knows that my life is not my own, and it's all about Him. I need to strive to put God and others first, and greatness is found though serving. In my heart I know that joy is found in following the call of Christ; even if He is calling you to leave your comfortable life, friends, and family. I know He is calling me to get on the plane and return to Costa Rica.

Isn't that the battle everyday? I don't know about your experience, but I suspect it's the same as mine. The Christian walk is a fight, and most of the time we are our own worst enemy. In the New Testament, Paul exhorts Timothy on a couple occasions to "fight the good fight". This is what I need to remember, I need to be challenged to fight the good fight. Paul realized that we are in a battle, and the fight can be incredibly difficult at times. Sadly, sometimes we forget we are in a battle and simply stop fighting. We give up and start living out the desires of the flesh. Often times it's nothing all that sinister, just subtle changes that change our heart and we become ineffective and discouraged.

I don't think I'll ever understand why God called me to lead His ministry, but I'm humbled and honored by the calling. I know that He likes to choose the weak, foolish, and lowly things, so I know I'm more than qualified. However, it's my prayer that though His grace and power in my life that some day I can claim, as Paul did, that I fought the good fight.

Thank you all for the faithful love and support you have shown to my family and God's ministry here. Please pray that He will continue to use us to bear much fruit and that He will give the strength and faith to keep on fighting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spencer you are such a man of God and so humble.. You take care of your family and so many others. The first day I met you I could see the fire in your heart to just help these people and to serve our Father.. You have a presence about yourself, God is using you because you are loving,humble,faithful,and driven... You can not believe the things of the flesh.. You need to also remember that you are all these things because God has given them to you. He has taught us to be all these things in his name. I have learned so much from you in such a short period of time and am very blessed to be able to call you one of my friends and part of my family... I am looking forward to doing more missions work with you and your family. In the mean time Go out and keep allowing god to use you to reach all the lost and sick...God uses others to show you the way.... Keep your heart open wide...I am praying hard for you and your family as it can get exhausting at times to do Gods work and I pray that he gives you the strength,wisdom,courage,and desire to press through when you get weary.... We love you. Take care Shellie