Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It all started last summer when a mission team came to Alajuelita to serve. Toward the end of the trip one of the young ladies on the mission team had her camera stolen. She had laid it down for a few minutes in the church they where they were working and it was gone! She was frustrated and I was incredibly disappointed and embarrassed.

I did some investigating and figured it was one of two people. I spoke with each of these people and asked them to come clean, return the camera, and ask the young lady for forgiveness. My petitions fell on deaf ears and nothing was resolved.

A year later this same young woman returned to serve. Toward the end of the trip she was approached by a young man, one of the two I had suspected. He was upset and asked if he could speak with her. He went on to confess that he was the one who had stolen her camera. He explained that a year ago he didn't know Jesus. He didn't feel bad and didn't think he needed to ask for forgiveness. However, in the past year he had grown to love Jesus and now he understands why he needs to ask for forgiveness. The young lady forgave the young man and it was a healing experience for both. Then the young man asked if he could some how pay restitution for the lost camera. The young woman simply replied "You are forgiven." While she had lost a camera, she had gained a brother.

The whole experience was a beautiful picture, and excellent reminder of the love and forgiveness found in the body of Christ.


It all started several weeks ago when I received an email from a couple young guys traveling though Central America looking for mission opportunities. They asked if they could come and visit 6:8 Ministries and hang around for a little while. My first reaction was to tell them no, that is not in keeping with the vision and focus of 6:8 Ministries. However, I did not have peace, so I prayed and decided to tell them yes.

Last week I had to make the hard decision to terminate the current director of the men's rehabilitation center. The decision was made due to some spiritual and moral failures on the part of the director. This came unexpected and we were scrambling to try to figure out what to do with the men's center. We have made progress with some of the men in the center and didn't want to have to send them back to the streets.

We asked the young men if they would consider sleeping in the center while we searched for a new director. They agreed! The crazy part is that they both speak Spanish and one of them actually has experience serving in homeless shelters.

Over the past week God has used these young men in a powerful way. First, they have built deep relationships with the men in a very short time. They have been praying and studying God's word together, and since their arrival three men have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior!

We have also been struggling to keep the men's center financially viable. We have had little success with our fundraising efforts. Within a few days of these young men taking over we received an unsolicited gift to support the men's center. This has caused me to wonder if God has been holding back blessing with the men's center because we had the wrong person leading it.

It's been amazing to watch how God continue to work all things together for good. I'm not really good with math, but I can't imagine the odds on all of this being coincidental. Two strangers looking for opportunities to serve God rolling into town at the perfect time, with the perfect gift set! I'm not sure how long they will be here, but some how I think it's going to be perfect timing.

Through all of this I've been reminded that AMAZING things happen we pray and open ourselves to God's leading. I'm super excited and almost feel invincible! If God is for us than what can stand against us?